Pengkuei Ben Huang- Soul Calling
The Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami in 2011 devastated the Iwate coast. Towns inundated, homes destroyed and loved ones lost. Overtime, things gradually return to normal, and survivors too are trying to move forward.
Scars, however, still remain…
To Katsufumi,
I want to see you and hear your voice.
I’m lonely...and sad.
Why couldn’t you hear me? Life has been hard since you haven’t been around. Does it hurt? Did you suffer long when the tsunami took you away? I suppose I won’t ever know what went through your mind when you were taken. I’m 61 too, close to the age when you passed away.
You always said to stay alive. But I’m often thinking about joining you in heaven. Our grandson saved me from such despair. He is five now.
Our granddaughter will be two on October 27th...
Our grandson turned five on September 26th...
There will be more grandchildren to come I believe.
Please look after Kanato as he’ll always be by your side. I’ll be living a quiet life with our 9 children and 2 grandchildren until the end, crying many times over…
I’ll write you again.
To T-chan,
It’ll be summer soon. Your favourite season!
That means Bon Holiday is approaching...
I could finally able to see you during this time!
I’m excited yet overwhelmed with this complicated feelings...
But still, we could be able to see each other and enjoying the firework together...
It has been more than 4 years since you passed away…
I was born in Rikuzentakata.
I often borrowed my sister-in-law’s bike to get around the town and the pine field nearby when I returned to my beloved hometown prior to the disaster.
But the tsunami took my sister-in-law’s life and the house was flooded. She was a hard working and dependable woman. When I decided to move to Tokyo she often told me to come and visit again. Those words still ring in my heart…
Since then My mother took up the task of taking care of her grandson without hesitation. As for my brother, he worked his heart out without talking too much about his wife’s passing. For me, a once a year homecoming has turned into a three times a year ordeal.
Last year, while my mother was being transferred from four hospitals said “the city has changed after the disaster, and so have people…”. Those were her last words before she passed away. My brother provided care to our ailing mother at hospitals. He tirelessly looked after our mother, from her food to her hygiene, while diverting his time between home and the hospital.
I can’t thank my brother enough…
To T-Chan,
I’m sorry! It has been so long since we talked. Three lonely years in fact!
You must’ve been suffering on that day weren’t you?
The sea must have been cold I assume?
I have a lot of things that I want to tell you!
I’m finally able to write you letters. We could finally talk to each other.
I left those letters at Hirota. Come and read them from time to time please…
What a wonderful cafe this place is!
And you know where to find them, right?
Looking forward to write you again...
From K
Dear M-San,
It has been 3 years since you’re gone from this world. You always loved me like a sister.
There are so many things I want to tell you.
I really want to see you one more time!!
I settled in Oshu a few days ago due to my husband’s job transfer.
I’m still doing well even though the distance to Ofunato from here is a little far.
I don’t know where you are now, but On the 11th of every month, I’ll turn to Ofunato and talk to you.
I’ll write to you again, so please be well...
From A